Enter your browser.
Enter this address for android box: https://www.tenchistv.com/tenchistv.apk
Install the app, you may need to go to the download section, find the app and install it.
Be sure to provide all the permissions to the app.
Enter your email and password inside the TenchisTV app.
To get a subscription contact us and we will send you the subscription link. Is only $12.99 per month and it can be canceled anytime “No Commitments”
After you have completed the sign up process we will proceed to activate the credentials you have chosen during the sign up process.
To log in to the app you only need to enter your credentials (Email/Password).
Questions? We’re ready to help. Please do not hesitate to contact us, it will be a pleasure to answer all your questions.
Monthly Subscription
Every 3 Months
Every 6 Months
1 Year (One Time Only)
Please contact us : tenchistv@gmail.com